Thursday, January 28, 2010

What's in a Name?

So… you may have heard. Apple unveiled its newest creation… the um, iPad. Go ahead, say the first thing that comes to mind. Never mind, I’ll do it for you…

Me: “Hmm, not sure about the name. Might encourage women to only use it once a month and only on those heavy days.”

Other tweets I saw…

@JasonYoraway: “The… ‘iPad’??

@Vruno: “I want the Apple iPad Extra Absorbent with Wings…”

The funny thing, according to my friend Susan, MadTV did a spoof about it a while ago and still named it the iPad. Watch this video that @jabewley sent me:
(Warning: You may need an iPends afterwards because it’ll make you laugh so hard!) ;)

Still, as @MitchellHislop said, I get why Apple went with the iPad. After all it has the iPod and the iPhone. Why not another i“P” name. Oh, ha!! I… pee! (Okay, someone stop me, I’m regressing back to elementary school!!)

I am not an Apple hater. I think the company is brilliant. I love Apple. One of my BFFs is my iPod, Todd. (For more on Todd, see previous post about my BFFs and a party in my purse.)

I have no doubt that jokes about its name will eventually die down and will be replaced by awe with all its functions. I am as excited as the next consumer about getting one. I just hope its discrete and doesn’t come in an obnoxious girlie package. ;)

Thursday, January 21, 2010


I’ve reached an age where I'm finally okay with my looks. I no longer have to deal with childish chubbiness or adolescent acne, and – for the most part – the leftover pregnancy blubber is gone. (Spanx can do wonders!) ;) I doubt it’s going to get any better than this! In fact, I’m thinking things might start heading South soon – if you know what I mean. ;)

I have a friend who takes pictures for a hobby – Kristin. In fact Kristin took my favorite picture of me. It has been my Twitter profile since I started tweeting last year. A few months ago I asked Kristin if she’d take new headshot photos of me and maybe some “sexy, suggestive” pictures as a birthday or Valentine’s gift to my husband. I tossed around the idea of having tasteful nude photos done – you know, as documentation that once upon a time I didn’t sag. However, just imagining my three boys someday finding those pictures made me shudder.  Even if I were already dead and didn’t care any more, I am positive that seeing their mom naked would undoubtedly scar and/or scare my boys off women for life!

So, headshot session for a long-overdue Twitter profile photo and blog pictures are done. We get to the “sexy” shots and Kristin suggests I take my shirt off and she’ll just take shots from the back. Brilliant idea... I think!

We were in a room with a large picture window because Kristin likes to use natural lighting. I have my shirt off and am facing the window while Kristin shoots away. I’m carelessly posing this way and that, trying to look "sultry" without cracking up – because seriously, being in your underwear with one of your friends snapping pictures of you is flippin' hilarious! (Think about it... unless you're in elementary shool it's either funny or it's sick!)  I'm totally not worried about the neighbors because I have been told that you can’t see in through our windows. Well, believing that was my first mistake. Not taking into account who told me that line of boloney was my second. Surprise, surprise – it was the hubby that fed me that load of bull... -oney!

Later that afternoon the kids came home from school.  I was outside salting the front steps and blissfully escaping their noise when I casually glanced up… Eeeeeek! Contrary to what I've been told, one can CLEARLY see inside that window!

Our annual neighborhood meeting is next weekend. Yes, once again… Eeeeeek! (If I'm not too mortified, I’ll fill you all in on any tell-tale giggles or funny glances shot my way.)  :/

Friday, January 15, 2010

My BFFs -- It's a Party in My Purse!

I'm reading Kathy Buckworth's book "The BlackBerry Diaries" and she's cracking me up!  Frankly, I'm surprised I didn't get multiple copies of it from my friends and family for Christmas. It is so me! This woman gets how to deal with motherhood. ;) We both even name our BlackBerries! Hers is "Seamus" and mine is "Larry."

However, she thinks of her BlackBerry as another one of her children. I have a deeper, much more intimate relationship with Larry. He's pretty much attached permanently to me -- either in my hand, back pocket or purse. Every night he sleeps right beside me.

My husband is reluctantly okay with my open-relationship boyfriend.  He once jokingly said that I would pick Larry over him if forced to choose in a dire situation. After thinking it over for a few moments I looked over to him and said, "No, of course I'd pick you!" (Not that I admitted it to him, but after all, there's only so much a handheld electronic device can do.) ;)

For Christmas I received an iPod Touch that I named "Todd." Larry and Todd have become my best friends forever, and we're pretty much inseperable. At the touch of my fingertips, we can instantly reach all of our friends on Facebook and Twitter and see what's going on. Hey, it's a continous "Party in my Purse" with our 500+ friends! Gottta LOVE technology!!

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Confessions of a...

Yesterday morning my babysitter jokingly called her mother a term that I kind of found offensive. Apparently, her mom is always on Facebook and Twitter. Well, c'mon! Who ISN'T these days?

Okay, that's a joke. My close friends and family tease me about never being off my BlackBerry. And, since Christmas, I now have an iPod Touch so now I'm ambi-gadget-dextrous. Oh, wait! I also have a cute, little netbook so I'm... um, what do you call a 3-appendage-using person? ;)

Well, yesterday afternoon I was simultaneously:
- watching eldest son in karate class
- refereeing 2 youngest sons while they fought
- talking with 2 of my karate mom friends, AND
- DM-ing a reply to a Twitter friend.
(Twitter friend, you know who you are!) ;)

So, what does that make me? Yes, I think I might just fit that very unattractive term my babysitter uses for her mom. I am...

a Social Media Whore!

Sunday, January 3, 2010

Happy New Year!

Kudos to those of you who make and keep resolutions! I do not. I never keep mine.  :) As an alternative, I try to improve myself little by little with easy timelines.  It works for me.

So, this week I resolve to get some pictures up on this site.  We'll see if I can keep that one. ;)

Hope you're having a great 2k10 so far!!